I am a Senior Research Scientist and Research Group Leader, leading the Robust Deep Learning Group at the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI), an Affiliated Institute of UC Berkeley. I am also affiliated with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Prior to this role, I was an Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track) for Data-driven Modeling and Artificial Intelligence in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science at the University of Pittsburgh, from Sep. 2021 to Dec. 2022. Before joining U Pitt, I was a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Statistics at UC Berkeley, where I worked with Michael Mahoney. I was also part of the RISELab in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS) at UC Berkeley. Before that, I was a postdoc at the Department of Applied Mathematics at the University of Washington (UW) working with Nathan Kutz and Steven Brunton. I earned my PhD in Statistics at the University of St Andrews, in Dec. 2017. My MSc in Applied Statistics is also from the University of St Andrews.
Email: erichson @ icsi dot berkeley dot edu
I am broadly interested in the intersection of deep learning, dynamical systems, and robustness—how can we build robust and intelligent dynamical systems that are computational efficient and expressive? I am also interested in leveraging tools from randomized numerical linear algebra to build modern algorithms for data-intensive applications such as fluid flows and climate science. Projects in my group span the space between development of robust and dynamical systems inspired neural network architectures, efficient training strategies for extracting knowledge from limited data, and data-driven modeling of scientific data.
Full list of publications: Google Scholar.
Current Postdocs, Students, and Staff:
Former group members:
I am looking for highly motivated and driven Postdocs to join my group. Drop me an email, if my research interests sparks your interest.
PhD in Statistics, 2017
University of St Andrews
MSc in Applied Statistics, 2013
University of St Andrews