
One paper accepted in AISTATS 2023 (as oral presentation)

Error Estimation for Random Fourier Features ([preprint](

Two papers accepted in ICLR 2022 (one as spotlight)

Noisy Feature Mixup ([preprint]( and Long Expressive Memory for Sequence Modeling ([preprint](

Two papers accepted in NeurIPS 2021

Noisy Recurrent Neural Networks ([preprint](, and Compressing Deep ODE-Nets using Basis Function Expansions ([preprint]( which is joint work with Google Research.

Two papers accepted in ICLR 2021

Lipschitz Recurrent Neural Networks ([preprint]( and Adversarially-Trained Deep Nets Transfer Better ([preprint](

Two papers accepted in ICML 2020

Forecasting sequential data using consistent Koopman autoencoders ([preprint]( and Error Estimation for Sketched SVD via the Bootstrap ([preprint](